Friday, October 12, 2012


(Ilmu pengetahuan sudah mendeteksi letusan katastropik Toba 75 ribu tahun yang lalu, Namun masih ada Pro Kontra tentang Letusan Katastropik Krakatau 11.600 tahun lalu) Acording to Santos, Atlantis had advanced machinery and weapons. They had air-based vimanas or vehicles so large that they could transport thousands of people, homes, and environments from one side of the world to another, as well as nuclear weapons and warheads that hastened their demise. The continent of Atlantis was hit by a massive tsunami that was over a mile high after a Krakatoa volcanic explosion, and millions died, Hoff continued in his detailing of Santos’ accounts, adding that subsequently the continent was engulfed by rising sea levels between 11,000 to 12,000 years ago. Santos also believed that around 75,000 years ago, Atlantis’ predecessor, Lemuria, was destroyed by the Toba volcano, and the survivors spent the next 60,000 years rebuilding and migrating to other lands such as the Indus Valley, and South America. Appearing for a segment in the second hour, Dr. Robin Harge r, talked about his collaborations with Prof. Santos, and how he was able to confirm Santos’ findings by locating craters on Google Earth in the Sunda Strait that were large enough to have played a role in the demise of Atlantis

LETUSAN KATASTROPIK Toba Dan Krakatau Purba Kunci Menemukan Peradaban lemuria Dan Atlantis Kesimpulan dari Prof santos adalah: Atlantis memiliki mesin-mesin canggih dan senjata. Mereka memiliki udara berbasis vimana atau kendaraan begitu besar sehingga mereka bisa mengangkut ribuan orang, rumah, dan lingkungan dari satu sisi dunia yang lain, serta senjata nuklir dan hulu ledak yang mempercepat kematian mereka.

Benua Atlantis dilanda tsunami besar yang lebih dari satu mil tinggi setelah ledakan gunung berapi Krakatau, dan jutaan mati, Hoff dilanjutkan dalam detail nya rekening Santos ', menambahkan bahwa selanjutnya benua itu ditelan oleh naiknya permukaan air laut antara 11.000 sampai 12.000 tahun yang lalu.

Santos juga percaya bahwa sekitar 75.000 tahun yang lalu, pendahulunya Atlantis ', Lemuria, dihancurkan oleh gunung berapi Toba, dan selamat menghabiskan 60.000 tahun ke depan membangun kembali dan bermigrasi ke negeri-negeri lain seperti Lembah Indus, dan Amerika Selatan.




Ditulis Oleh : Muhammad D Setiawan Hari: 12:34 AM Kategori:


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